Desert Church

The desert has been calling to me for several years. It was finally time to answer the call.

My intuition told me that the desert holds much wisdom. Just as the desert seasons of our lives.

Both Larry and myself have been to the most barren inner places in the past decade. But we learned so much and grew to be the people we are today because of it. We confronted the weakest and the strongest parts of ourselves. And we held on. To who we were. To who we are.

And tonight. Well, tonight was desert church. The time to dance in the desert. To feel a sermon. To live it. To embrace the whole beauty of it all. So symbolic for us.

Life unfolds. It’s an elegant dance, really. Miraculous. That we are able to attend our own sacred lives. Whether we are curled up just breathing through the pain, or dancing. It’s all the sacred human experience.

We are alive. And we are full of gratitude. Taking it all in…from each sunrise, to its setting.

Photo Credit: Larry E. Weaver


Morning Musings